Ford Sierra

1982-1993 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Ford Siyerra
+ 1.2. Identification of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. General data
   - 3.1. Cars with petrol engines
      3.1.1. Masses and transfer numbers
      3.1.2. Operational liquids
      - 3.1.3. Changes in a car design from 1984 to 1986. Engine Head of the block of cylinders Block of cylinders of the engine Krivoshipno-shatunny mechanism Bent shaft System of gas distribution Engine mount Cooling system
         + Carburetor System of injection of fuel System of ignition Coupling Mechanical four-speed transmission Mechanical five-speed transmission
         + Automatic Ford A 4 LD transmission Power shaft and back bridge System of steering with the hydraulic booster Forward suspension bracket Back suspension bracket Brake system
         - Electric equipment
   Inclusion of headlights
   Bolt of fastening of the holder of the generator
   Safety locks and relay
   Contour of electric food (1985-1986)
   Contour of charging and start (1985-1986)
   Contour of management of the OHC 1,8 engine of dm3 (1985-1986)
   Contour of management of the OHC 2,0 engine of dm3 (1985-1986)
   Contour of management of injection of fuel of the OHC 2,0 engine of dm3 General data
      + 3.1.4. Changes in a car design from 1987 to 1989.
      + 3.1.5. Changes in a car design from 1990 to February, 1993.
   + 3.2. Cars with diesel engines
+ 4. Engines
+ 5. Coupling
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Driveshaft and back bridge
+ 8. Steering
+ 9. Suspension brackets
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

a773976c Electric equipment Inclusion of headlights


The location of the relay of light of headlights in the block of safety locks and the relay

The crossing point installed in an IV position in the block of safety locks and the relay if the car is not equipped with the relay of light of headlights

Changes in a way of connection of a plait of electric wires to the block of safety locks and relay

And – connection (in addition soldered) wire of golden color,
In – connection of an additional brown wire of weight,
With – connection of an original yellow wire (from a safety lock),
D – connection to the mass of a brown wire

Since February, 1983 (a code of date of production of "DK") cars of versions: main (Base), L and GL are equipped with the relay of inclusion of light of headlights which is located in a relay IV position in the block of safety locks and the relay (see rice. The location of the relay of light of headlights in the block of safety locks and the relay).

In case of the wrong inclusion of headlights of passing beam in the cars manufactured before introduction of this relay it is necessary to arrive as follows.

Cars with a crossing point in a relay IV position in the block of safety locks and the relay
1. To check a plait of wires from headlights of near and far light.
2. If malfunction is not eliminated, then it is necessary to remove a crossing point (see rice. The crossing point installed in an IV position in the block of safety locks and the relay if the car is not equipped with the relay of light of headlights) and to insert the relay into IV positions (see rice. The location of the relay of light of headlights in the block of safety locks and the relay).
Cars without crossing point and without relay in a relay IV position in the block of safety locks and the relay
3. To check a plait of wires from headlights of near and far light.
4. If malfunction is not defined, to disconnect the accumulator.
5. To remove an internal upholstery on the left side under the forward panel.
6. To extend a plate with sockets of the block of safety locks and the relay towards an engine compartment.
7. To cut at distance about 160 mm the wire of yellow color going from a safety lock of N16 or 17.
8. To solder the socket (N A83SX-14489-AA) on the end of the wire going from a safety lock No. 16 or 17 and to isolate this socket.
9. To prepare two pieces of wires of brown and yellow colors with a section of 1,5 mm2 and 160 mm long.
10. To solder flat standard contact on the end of a wire of brown color and I will corrode (N A83SX-14489-AA) on other its end and to isolate them.
11. To solder the socket (N A83SX-14489-AA) on the end of a yellow wire. To solder other end of this wire to the end of the yellow wire (which remained later cuttings) from an original plait and to isolate connections.
12. To connect the end of a yellow wire from a safety lock of N16 or 17 to the socket (C) (see rice. Changes in a way of connection of a plait of electric wires to the block of safety locks and the relay) in a relay IV position.
13. To connect additional wires according to rice. Changes in a way of connection of a plait of electric wires to the block of safety locks and the relay – brown in points (B) and (D), and yellow in a point (And).