Ford Sierra

1982-1993 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Ford Siyerra
+ 1.2. Identification of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. General data
- 4. Engines
   + 4.1. Petrol engines
   - 4.2. Diesel engine
      + 4.2.1. Technical characteristics
      4.2.2. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves
      + 4.2.3. Fuel system
      + 4.2.4. Nozzles
      4.2.5. Glow plugs
      4.2.6. Check of a compression
      4.2.7. Removal of air from fuel system
      4.2.8. Fuel filter
      4.2.9. Fuel pump, installation of the beginning of injection of fuel
      4.2.10. Adjustment of speed of idling
      - 4.2.11. The repair which is not demanding removal of the engine
         + Head of the block of cylinders Removal and installation of the engine
         - Dismantling, repair and assembly of the engine
   Installation of the back radical bearing
   Assembly of knot piston rod
   Assembly of the drive of system of gas distribution
   Further assembly of the engine
         + Lubrication system
         + Cooling system
+ 5. Coupling
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Driveshaft and back bridge
+ 8. Steering
+ 9. Suspension brackets
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

Сигареты купить оптом дешево | лазерный маркиратор, лазерный маркиратор ручной цена | вино орнеллайя цена, yvan ivan | работа девушкам в сфере досуга в питере, оаэ | запчасти на исузу эльф Dismantling, repair and assembly of the engine


1. To fix the engine on the corresponding bed, to merge oil and to remove an oil filter. To remove the vacuum pump and maple a drive belt; to unscrew the vacuum pipeline.
2. To remove completely the generator (together with the holder) and driving maple belts, a roller of the tension device of a maple belt of the pump of cooling liquid and a belt.
3. To unscrew the thermostat of the regulator of the increased idling speed from a head of the block of cylinders, then to unscrew returnable fuel hoses and to remove the fuel pump.
4. To unscrew and remove fuel pipelines. To muffle the corresponding traffic jams of an opening of pipelines and devices of fuel system not to allow hit there of dust.
5. To take nozzles, their laying and a ring of heat insulation, to disconnect an electric wire and the current tire from glow plugs and to unscrew them.
6. To disconnect the pipeline of supply of oil to an axis of the lever of valves and to unscrew external holders of an axis of the lever of valves.
7. To unscrew bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders (in the return sequence in relation to their tightening) and to remove a head and its laying.
8. To remove derzhatet ь an oil filter and the oil heater, and then to unscrew the fuel pump with his holder. To remove pulleys of a bent shaft and the fan, to remove a casing of a chain of system of gas distribution.
9. To block the screw-driver the tension device of a chain, to remove the device and its clown, to take a chain of system of gas distribution and an asterisk of the fuel pump.
10. To remove a flange of fastening of the drive of the fuel pump and the pipeline of supply of oil.
11. To pull together an asterisk from a bent shaft and to remove the tension device of a driving chain of system of gas distribution.
12. To remove from a flywheel the leading part and a clutch plate, the oil pallet, a stopper of the oil pump, a nut and a bolt of fastening of the oil pump, and then to remove the oil pump.
13. To turn to a dvigata on 180 °, to remove an intermediate plate from the block of cylinders, to take a cam-shaft, and then by means of a stripper to remove an asterisk from a cam-shaft.
14. To take pushers and to establish them in the sequence which they occupy in the engine.
15. To designate covers of radical bearings, and also rods and their covers (from the fuel pump).
16. To uncover radical bearings and a cover of rods.
17. To take a bent shaft from the block of cylinders of the engine.
18. To take from cylinders pistons together with rods.
19. To establish inserts together with covers in the sequence which they occupied in the engine.



Before assembly of the engine to check all details and to establish only pure and in good technical condition.

To observe: the required communications of the interacting details, the correct relative positioning of these details and their correct installation according to their designations.

1. To replace all laying and spring washers protecting bolts from unscrewing.
2. To clear the interacting surfaces of laying and the connected details. For cleaning not to use abrasive materials and sharp devices. These surfaces cannot bear traces of blows, attritions or scratches.
3. Openings of oil channels in the block of cylinders of the engine should be muffled the copper traffic jams covered with the pressurizing Loctite Frenetanch paste.