Ford Sierra

1982-1993 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Ford Siyerra
+ 1.2. Identification of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. General data
- 4. Engines
   - 4.1. Petrol engines
      + 4.1.1. Technical characteristics
      4.1.2. Adjustment of gaps of valves
      + 4.1.3. System of ignition
      - 4.1.4. Fuel system
         + The Ford carburetor with the changeable section of the diffuser
         - Weber 32/36 DGAV carburetor
   Removal and installation of the carburetor
   Adjustment of provision of a float
   Adjustment of the starting gate
   Check and adjustment of the automatic starting arrangement
   Adjustment of speed of idling of the engine and contents WITH
      + 4.1.5. The repair which is not demanding removal of the engine
      4.1.6. Removal and installation of the engine
      4.1.7. Dismantling of the engine
      4.1.8. Identification of the interacting parts
      4.1.9. Assembly of the engine
      4.1.10. Replacement of pistons
      4.1.11. Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft
      4.1.12. System of gas distribution
      4.1.13. Lubrication system
      + 4.1.14. Cooling system
      4.1.15. Suspension bracket of the power unit
      4.1.16. System of production of the fulfilled gases
   + 4.2. Diesel engine
+ 5. Coupling
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Driveshaft and back bridge
+ 8. Steering
+ 9. Suspension brackets
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

a773976c заказать памятник недорого Adjustment of provision of a float


Adjustment of provision of a float of the Weber carburetor

And = 41 ± 0,5 mm.

1. To disconnect the accumulator and to remove the air filter.
2. To disconnect the fuel supply pipeline from the carburetor.
3. To pick up the screw-driver a clamp and to disconnect draft of management of a starting butterfly valve from the lever of an axis of a starting butterfly valve.
4. To unscrew six screws and to uncover the carburetor.
5. To establish a carburetor cover vertically with the float directed down.
6. To measure distance from the lower surface of a float to the cover plane without laying. It has to make 41±0,5 mm. In case of need to adjust it, bending down a plate on the top surface of a float.
7. To establish a carburetor cover together with new laying.
8. To connect the pipeline of supply of fuel and draft of control of the air gate.