Lubricant under pressure is provided by the gear oil pump in which case there is perepuskny a valve.
The minimum pressure of oil (at a temperature of 80 °C): |
– at 750 rpm: |
0,1 MPas
– at 2000 rpm: |
0,25 MPas
Pressure of opening of the perepuskny valve (at 1000 rpm): |
0,40 – 0,47 MPas
Pressure of fire of a control bulb of pressure of oil: |
0,03 MPas – 0,06 MPas
Oil pump.
The gear oil pump, with an internal arrangement of teeths, the Hobourn-Eaton type, is put in action from an intermediate shaft.
Gear wheel gap with an internal arrangement of teeths concerning the case |
0,150 – 0,301 mm.
Gap between teeths of gear wheels |
0,05 – 0,20 mm.
Axial gap of gear wheels |
0,028 – 0,104 mm.
Oil filter
Full bore the oil filter is located on the left side of the block of cylinders. Brand and type: Motorcraft EFL 90. |