The lever of gear shifting moves hardly or is blocked. | To check the gear shifting lever. To check the mechanism of gear shifting and the ram of the lever of gear shifting. To check the relay of safe management of the automatic transmission. To check an identification plate of transfer (on a case). |
Begin to flow oils at height of hydrokinetic transfer after replacement of a sealing ring, and also the transfer pump. | To check correctness of installation of a ring in a case of hydrokinetic transfer. To check: – condition of back consolidation of a bent shaft of the engine, and also sealing ring of the oil pump, – tightening of aluminum bolts of hydrokinetic transfer, drain stopper of a case of hydrokinetic transfer, and also welded seam of hydrokinetic transfer. |
Oil effluence traces from the transmission are visible outside. |
To check: – sealing ring of a back part of a case of the transmission, – horizontal an oil pipeline on a case and their connections, – adjusting bolt of the drive of forward planetary transfer, – laying of the lever of gear shifting, and also lever of a reduction of transfers, – laying between a back part of a case and control connections, – laying of the oil pallet, – laying of a cable of the drive of a speedometer, – laying of the vacuum regulator.
Oil effluence without external traces. | To replace the vacuum regulator. |
The engine is not started though the starter and the accumulator are serviceable. | To replace the relay of safe management of the automatic transmission. |
The starter does not join in provisions "P", and also "N". | To adjust the external mechanism of gear shifting. |
The engine is started in all provisions of the lever of gear shifting. | To replace the relay of safe management of the automatic transmission. |
There does not come gear shifting or lack of draft. | To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check serviceability of hydrokinetic transfer and the oil pump; in case of need to remove and clear the transmission. To check whether there is no mechanical damage of an entrance shaft of the automatic transmission, turbine, a case of coupling or forward planetary transfer. |
The movement does not happen at situation "R" back (lack of draft; friction of the drive in provisions "D", "2", and also "1". | To check a possibility of braking by the engine in situation "1". To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check serviceability of coupling of transfer of a backing and direct transfer, and also the drive of reverse planetary gear. |
Lack of draft and gear shifting in provisions "D", "2", and also "1", whereas in situation "R" draft normal. | To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. If pressure too low in provisions "D", "2", and also "1" then to check the drive of reverse planetary gear, and also consolidation of coupling of planetary transfer. If pressure normal, then most likely came mechanical damage of forward planetary transfer or entrance shaft of the automatic transmission. |
Lack of draft and gear shifting in situation "D", whereas in provisions "2" and "1" draft normal. | To adjust the external mechanism of gear shifting. To check functioning of the unidirectional coupling. To remove and clear the transmission. |
Strong friction of the drive in all provisions of the lever of gear shifting. | To adjust the speed of idling of the engine in situation "D" for obtaining values 650 – 700 about / min. To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. |
The car tends to automatic start-off from the place forward ("pulls") except for provisions "P" and "R". | To check serviceability of coupling of advance. To remove and clear the transmission. |
Strong mechanical noise during the movement. | To check serviceability of hydrokinetic transfer. To put the parking brake in action, and also to include a hydraulic brake of the car. If in situation "N" noise normal, and in provisions "R" and "D" noise strong also increases with increase in speed of the engine, then it is necessary to replace hydrokinetic transfer. Otherwise it is necessary to remove and clear the transmission. |
Excessive mechanical noise during the movement. | The internal mechanical damage of the transmission demanding its removal. |
Sudden emergence during the movement of abnormal noise and interruptions in draft. | To check oil level. If level normal then to check an oil filter. If the oil filter is not too polluted, to check serviceability of the oil pump. |
The tape of a brake is not clamped in provisions "R" and "D" at too large number of turns of idling of the engine, and also at the correct gear shifting. | To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check serviceability of coupling of transfers of a backing and direct transfer. To check serviceability of the drive of reverse planetary gear. |
The tape of a brake is not clamped in provisions "R" and "D" at too large number of turns of idling of the engine, and also at correct a clip of tapes of a brake in provisions "D", "2", and "1". | To check braking by the engine on the 1st transfer. If braking insufficient then to check the drive of reverse planetary gear. If braking correct then to repair coupling of transfers of a backing and direct transfer. |
Tightening of tapes of brakes insufficient in situation "D" at too large number of turns of idling of the engine, and also at the correct tightening of tapes of brakes in situation "R". | To check functioning in provisions "2" and "1". If functioning normal, then is damaged the unidirectional coupling; it is necessary to remove and repair the transmission. |
Too small acceleration and too small maximum speed, though engine serviceable. | To remove hydrokinetic transfer and to check its technical condition. |
Too small maximum speed at normal accelerations and the serviceable engine. | To check functioning of the automatic transmission at full opening of a butterfly valve during acceleration (kick-down). If normal then to remove and check hydrokinetic transfer, and also the unidirectional coupling. |
Gear shifting
Overdue gear shifting (the pedal of an accelerator is slightly pressed) at a speed over 45 km/h: 1500 – 2000 rpm. | To check connections and a condition of the vacuum pipeline, and also the vacuum regulator. To check the regulator. To check the valve 1-oh-2-oh of transfers. If serviceable then to replace laying of a nave of the regulator. |
Overdue gear shifting from the 1st to the 3rd (the pedal of an accelerator is slightly pressed) – 1500 – 2000 about / min. | To adjust a tape of a brake of forward planetary transfer. To check pressure. To check the drive of forward planetary transfer. To check knot of valves – the valve 1-oh-2-oh of transfers. |
Overdue gear shifting from the 1st to the 3rd (the pedal of an accelerator is slightly pressed) – 1500 – 2000 about / min. | To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check the regulator. To check a gear shifting lever case. To check knot of valves – the valve 2 - oh – 3 - it transfers. To remove and clear the transmission. |
In situation "D" there is no automatic gear shifting or the 3rd transfer does not join. | To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check the regulator. To check functioning of the mechanism of gear shifting. To check a condition of laying of a nave of the regulator. |
Too small speed at gear shifting of "kick-down". Gear shifting happens too early. | To carry out test under pressure. To adjust a cable of the device of a reduction of transfers. To check a condition of laying of a nave of the regulator. |
The wrong speed of gear shifting is 1 on the 2nd, and also with the 2nd on 3-y (kick-down). Overdue gear shifting. | To carry out test under pressure. To check oil level in the automatic transmission. To check the regulator. To check functioning of the mechanism of gear shifting. To check a condition of laying of a nave of the regulator. |
Loud whistle at large numbers of turns of the engine. | To check a zabornik of the pump, pipelines of absorption and the oil pump of the automatic transmission. |
In situation "D" after pressing of a pedal of an accelerator against the stop ("kick-down") there is no gear shifting to the 3rd on the 2nd at a speed of 75 km/h. | To adjust a cable of the device of a reduction of transfers. To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check the kick-down valve. |
In situation "D" after pressing of a pedal of an accelerator 3/4 its courses there is no gear shifting to the 3rd on the 2nd at a speed of 50 km/h. | To check functioning of the mechanism of gear shifting. To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check a case of knot of valves. |
At a speed of 90 km/h at installation of the lever of gear shifting from situation "D" in situation "1" the car does not slow down speed when passing through situation "2". | To adjust a tape of a brake of forward planetary transfer. To check the drive of forward planetary transfer. To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. |
At a speed of 90 km/h at installation of the lever of gear shifting from situation "D" in situation "1" the car does not slow down speed at inclusion of the 1st transfer at a speed over 75 km/h. | To check the regulator. To check functioning of the mechanism of gear shifting. To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. |
At a speed of 90 km/h at installation of the lever of gear shifting from situation "D" in situation "1" the car does not slow down speed at inclusion of the 1st transfer at a speed below 25 km/h. | To check functioning of the mechanism of gear shifting. To check the drive of reverse planetary gear. To check oil pressure in the automatic transmission. To check a case of the automatic transmission and the regulator. |
Insufficient braking of the car in situation "P". | To adjust the external mechanism of gear shifting. To check the mechanism of the parking brake. |
In case of malfunctions number 27, 28 and 29 to carry out test in the movement: to connect the manometer to the transmission and to measure at a speed of 80 km/h pressure in system at the time of movement of the lever of gear shifting from situation "2" in "1". Pressure of oil has to increase.