Ford Siyerra + 1.2. Identification of the car - 2. Maintenance 2.1. Engine 2.2. Adjustment of gaps of valves 2.3. Check and replacement of oil and oil filter 2.4. Cooling liquid 2.5. Radiator fan 2.6. Fuel tank and jellied mouth + 2.7. Petrol engine 2.8. Fuel system of diesel engines 2.9. Coupling 2.10. Mechanical transmission 2.11. Automatic transmission 2.12. Check of a condition of covers of hinges of driving half shafts 2.13. Check of tightness of covers and condition of spherical hinges 2.14. Check of a driving belt of the pump of the hydraulic booster 2.15. Check of level of brake fluid 2.16. Check of thickness of brake shoes 2.17. Lever of the emergency brake 2.18. Electric equipment 2.19. Tires 2.20. Operational liquids + 3. General data + 4. Engines + 5. Coupling + 6. Transmissions + 7. Driveshaft and back bridge + 8. Steering + 9. Suspension brackets + 10. Brake system + 11. Body + 12. Electric equipment
Gear shifting lever
The lever of gear shifting is located on a floor of the car and can be installed in seven provisions.
Р – parking (parking),
R – reverse gear,
N – neutral situation,
D – advance (automatic change of transfers from the 1st to the 3rd and back), 2 – automatic change only of the two first transfers,
1 – the movement only on the 1st transfer
Change of position of the lever from a position "N" on "R" or "R" demands its cave-in. The movement in normal conditions
After start of the engine it is necessary to press a pedal of a brake and to move the gear shifting lever in situation "D". After a brake pedal otpuskaniye the car will begin advance. During the movement of transfer switch automatically from the 1st to the 3rd and back, depending on the speed of the movement and the provision of a pedal of an accelerator. Gear shifting also happens automatically in process of reduction of speed of the movement.
Service and adjustment
Oil level in the automatic transmission should be checked and in case of need to fill its quantity each 20 000 km of a run of the car at the authorized service station. It is necessary to grease elements of management of the transmission also. Check of level of oil should be carried out at the heated-up engine idling the gear shifting lever installed in situation "P" and at an oil temperature in the automatic transmission of a component of 85 °C.
Check and adjustment of the automatic transmission have to be carried out each 40 000 km, and in case of use of the car in difficult road conditions according to a thicket, at the authorized service station.
Check of level of oil in the back bridge
Oil level in the back bridge should be checked and in case of need to fill its quantity each 20 000 km of a run of the car. Level of oil has to be up to standard with edge of a jellied opening (N) and control of level of oil. |